
Pastor's Message

Greetings neighbors!
As the new pastor at Mount Olive, I want to share how excited I am that God has brought me here to you and this community. I look forward to making Omaha my home and I’m even more excited about getting to know as many of you as I can in the coming months and years. When I’m not busy fixing up my house or working on a random woodworking project, then you will very likely see me and Murphy (my dog) walking around the neighborhood. If/When you see us, be sure to stop us and introduce yourself. Murphy lives for meeting people and I’m pretty sure he just goes on walks to find and make new friends, so make his day – and mine too – by slowing down our walks or dropping by my office at church.
God has placed us/Mount Olive in your midst so we can be a blessing to you, care for your needs, and be a church you can call home. Blessings on your day and I hope to meet you soon!
Rev. Paul Albers
Visit Us
402.455.8700 | office@MountOliveOmaha.org
Monday – Thursday 10 AM – 3 PM
Prayer Requests